How to Style Outdoor Pool Furniture

To add that extra touch of elegance to your patio, find your favorite style of pool-friendly furniture and decor. Search for the outdoor experts that carry nice furniture that strikes a perfect balance between style, durability, and affordability.

In the market for new patio furniture? Here are a few things to keep in mind. Share on X

In your search for pool furniture, keep several key factors in mind to help narrow down your options. Don’t settle for cheap pool furniture if it looks tacky. Likewise, don’t pay through the nose for really nice furniture that falls apart in the rain. Weigh every choice carefully.

How Does it Match Your Backyard’s Colors?

If you already have some backyard furniture or decor that you’re particularly attached to, try to match colors and patterns on both sets. If you can’t find exact matches, use a color wheel to see what complements your original choice. Contrasting hues, like orange throw pillows on a dark blue couch, are very pleasing to the eye and make classy design choices.

Pro Tip: Have a party in the backyard! Make sure your outdoor dining set is big enough for all your friends and family.

Is it Weather Resistant?

Inevitably, your pool furniture will either get rained on or bake in the Houston sun. Of course, going straight from the swimming pool to your chaise lounge chair also means your nice furniture will get wet. Custom designed patio covers and umbrellas can help protect your furniture from the elements, but don’t rely on them to entirely protect your furniture. Water- and sun-resistant pieces will keep their color longer and require less maintenance, making them the ideal choice for your lounge area. Partially plastic weather-resistant furniture feels more comfortable than it sounds. Choosing durable furniture will keep your backyard pool area looking stylish for a long time.

Is it Practical in Houston Weather?

Pool furniture gives you the chance to be clever with practical applications. For instance, an end table may look like a normal woven ottoman when it’s shut, but it conceals a hollow inside to shield cushions from bad weather or keep beer chilled. You could also install more conventional cabinets against a wall or barrier. Patio storage can be clever!

Is it Safe Around Fire?

If your pool furniture will be anywhere near your backyard fire pit or grill, ask yourself this question before buying anything new. Weather-resistant materials are likely already fire-resistant, but it pays to double-check everything. It simply isn’t worth the risk.

Build the Backyard of Your Dreams!

Regardless if you’re buying new outdoor furniture or upgrading your original collection, let your imagination run wild! Experiment with your favorite color combinations and unique furniture with hidden features. The more durable and long-lasting your new decorations are, the better.

Connect with us for more inspiring outdoor design ideas.

Swimming Pool Design: Expectations vs. Reality

Designing and planning a brand new swimming pool is an exciting time for any homeowner. But as you weigh your options, make sure to keep a few important factors in mind. Not all of your ideas can plausibly be built, and not all pool builders will give you the best deal.

What Should I Know About Swimming Pool Designs?

Pool designs come in all different shapes and sizes, and it’s exciting to consider your design options for what will look best in your yard. However, don’t forget to give serious thought to the basics of pool building. Your expectations for pool design and construction may not be realistic. Here are some factors worth paying attention to:

  1. Cost expectations
  2. Hills and uneven ground
  3. Benefits of a pool house
When you’re ready to add a pool to your outdoor space, keep these considerations in mind before the building process begins. Share on X

1) Cost Expectations

The first thing to look into is what type of pool design works within your budget. If fountains or waterfalls make up your dream pool, it’s important to consult with a builder about all of the features you’re hoping for and assess the cost up front. You may decide to reconsider certain pool additions if you find that the cost of materials is more than you expected.

ProTip: When making your decision on what pool design is best for you, create a wish list of all the features that are important for your outdoor oasis. Assess the cost of each and narrow down your choices to only what’s practical for your budget.

2) Hills and Uneven Ground

Before beginning any build, evaluate the space where your new pool will be. Make note if it’s at the bottom of a hill or will sit on uneven ground. Consider rainstorms– will your pool be easily flooded if there’s a large amount of rain? Will one end of the pool have more or less water in it due to a difference in elevation? Don’t wait until the building is in progress to think about these potential problems. A reputable pool builder should evaluate these potential scenarios before excavation.

3) Benefits of a Pool House

In the excitement of building a new pool in your backyard, you might have forgotten about the purpose of a pool house. Do you have tile in the entryway to your backyard? Wet feet are a hazard and can be messy with guests getting out of your pool and coming inside the house. A pool house is beneficial because it can be used as a changing room or a “towel-off” station.

Speak with a Professional About All Concerns

After thinking over all of the above expectations, speak with an outdoor living specialist and ask them if they have any other insights you may not have thought of. An outdoor living specialist will give you honest advice and provide you with the quality customer service you deserve.

Join the conversation to learn more about pool building services and what you can expect from your pool builder!

3 Reasons to Invest in a Patio Cover for Your Pool

Summer in Houston will be here before you know it. Is your outdoor living area in need of a patio cover? Don’t wait until the outside temperatures start rising– learn why a patio cover is a great and necessary choice for your pool.

Looking forward to using your pool this summer? Learn why you should invest in a pool cover to stay cool during Houston summers. Share on X

Why Do I Need a Patio Cover for my Outdoor Space?

Investing in a patio cover for your pool will provide comfort and shade from the intense summer sun. You can stress less about cleaning by keeping out leaves and outside debris. It will also help keep your pool at a pleasant temperature and reduce your risk of sunburn.

  1. Keep Pool Temperature Down
  2. Protect Your Pool from Gathering Debris
  3. Provide Shade While Swimming

1) Keep Pool Temperature Down

The perfect pool cover will keep your pool at a comfortable, cool temperature. Pool water that is too warm tends to be off-putting, so using a cover will protect your water from getting too much sun. Nobody wants to get in a hot pool in the middle of a hot, Texas summer day. You can feel confident your pool is always at the right temperature.

2) Protect Your Pool from Gathering Debris

Wind and rain bring in leaves, bugs, and other dirt and debris into your pool. A patio cover for your pool will act as a leaf net to make cleaning a breeze. You’ll spend less time fishing out unwanted items and more time enjoying your pool!

3) Provide Shade While Swimming

We all know Houston summers can get swelteringly hot. Don’t let the sun deter you from enjoying your pool! A swimming pool cover will reduce the number of UV rays overhead that put you at risk of sunburn. While you should always use sunblock to protect your skin, a cover for your pool will make you feel more comfortable while you’re swimming.

ProTip: When you invest in a patio cover for your pool, consult with a professional pool designer that will help you choose the right style to fit the rest of your outdoor living space.

Use an Outdoor Living Professional to Install Your Patio Cover

Rely on in-ground pool experts to give you insight on other ways to benefit from a patio cover for your pool. They will help you with a custom pool cover for a unique and beautiful addition to your outdoor space.

Contact us for a consultation to learn more about custom patio covers and the benefits of having one for your pool.

5 Essential Poolside Kitchen Appliances

Having an outdoor kitchen is a fabulous opportunity for hosting pool parties and barbecues. Whether you are hosting a neighborhood party, family get-together, or simply enjoying time with your family, it’s always a fun idea to gather outside as a group. What could make these outdoor get-togethers even more enticing? We’re glad you asked!

An outdoor kitchen brings family and friends together for food and fun. Spruce up your poolside outdoor kitchen with these ideas! Share on X

How Can I Make My Outdoor Environment Even More Fun?

Don’t be afraid to explore different ideas for your outdoor space that can contribute to poolside entertainment. These outdoor kitchen appliances will spruce up your backyard for endless enjoyment.

  1. Refrigerators
  2. Overhead fans
  3. Grill or smoker
  4. Mood lighting
  5. Consult with an Outdoor Design Expert

1) Refrigerators

In Houston, the humid weather can warm up your cold beverages quickly! With a beverage cooler or refrigerator, you won’t have to worry about serving your guests lukewarm sodas or hot waters. An outdoor refrigerator is necessary for keeping your refreshments cool.

ProTip: When you get your new outdoor refrigerator near your pool, stock it immediately so that guests can serve themselves at your next pool party!

2) Overhead Fans

The Houston humidity is unavoidable, especially during the summer months.  You can still feel comfortable in your backyard when you have overhead fans above your outdoor kitchen to help eliminate any heat accumulation. The air circulation outdoor fans provide can also contribute to fending off any flying pests like gnats or mosquitos that might flock to your outdoor kitchen in the hot summer months.

3) Outdoor Grill or Smoker

Your outdoor kitchen isn’t complete without an outdoor grill.  For some people, simply having an outdoor counter space for drinks and food is enough to entertain friends and family. For others, the enjoyment of cooking and mingling is what makes the get-together worthwhile. Grilling outdoors while being able to converse with guests is something we Texans pride ourselves on! It’s a unique experience to sit outside and smell the delicious food as it grills. An outdoor grill is a necessary addition to spruce up your backyard.

4) Mood Lighting

This idea might not be at the top of your list, but lighting goes a long way when you know you’re going to spend summer evenings by the pool. Many times, outdoor activities can go long into the evening. Wouldn’t it be perfect to have beautiful lights outside that will illuminate your surroundings? This is a great addition to any outdoor space, whether you are going to enjoy a freshly grilled meal on your patio or read a book in the solace of your porch. Mood lighting is essential to your outdoor kitchen space.

5) Consult with an Outdoor Design Expert

Outdoor design experts provide valuable insight into what is realistic for your particular space. They will listen to your wants and needs while guiding you to the best solutions for your needs. They work with you to make your dreams a reality!

Create an Incredible Outdoor Kitchen You’ll Love

You probably have ideas about how you want your outdoor kitchen to look and function. It’s important to rely on a professional outdoor living service to take your goals and show you how they can turn them into reality. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, and be clear about your vision! Your designer will be glad to get any feedback necessary to do their job right.

Join the conversation and explore what other outdoor kitchen features people have added to their outdoor spaces!

What’s the Best Way to Clean a Grill Before Pool Parties?

To keep your grill performing and functioning at its best, it is vital that you keep it clean. You don’t want a bunch of grease built-up before having guests over for a pool party. The method that you use to clean and maintain your grill depends on what type you have. Are you planning springtime poolside barbecues? The last thing you want is a dirty grill! Here are some tips to follow for cleaning gas, pellet, and charcoal grills. Share on X

The functionality of your grill is dependant on being properly cleaned and maintained. How you do this depends on if you have a charcoal, gas, or pellet grill. Here are the top ways to keep each style of grill clean so you can make every season grilling season.

How to Clean a Gas Grill

To clean a gas grill, you’ll want to start by gathering a grill brush (or other course cleaning brush), cleaning rags, soapy water.

  • First things first–always turn off the gas to your grill before cleaning! You can also detach the tank from your grill.
  • Remove grill grates so you can thoroughly clean then by scrubbing them with your grill brush.  
  • Clean anything on the burners, such as lava stones, ceramic briquettes, or metal heat tents. Clean burner tubes, as well as gas ports.
  • Clean the outside of your grill with hot soapy water and a cleaning rag.
  • Empty and clean the grease collection tray. Make sure to properly dispose of grease–never pour it down any drain. Your grease tray needs to be checked every time you grill to help prevent fires.
  • Wipe everything dry and put your grill back together and oil your grates prior to cooking.

How to Clean a Charcoal Grill

Just like with the gas grill, you’ll need a grill brush, cleaning rags, and some hot, soapy water to clean your charcoal grill.

  • Remove the grill grate if possible. Scrub with your grill brush. You can also use a wadded up piece of aluminum foil to help remove any remaining gunk or debris that remains on the grate.
  • Empty the ash catcher and then clean the bottom and lid of your grill using hot soapy water and a cleaning rag.
  • Put your grill back together and oil the grates before grilling your next delicious meal.

ProTip: A warm grill makes grill grates easier to clean!

How to Clean a Pellet Grill

Because pellet grills are equipped with electronic components, it is imperative that you keep your grill dry to keep it functioning properly. This is especially important for the inside of your grill.

  • Warm up your grill to about 200 degrees. Close the lid and let it sit about ten minutes, loosening grease and leftover foods.
  • Using a grill brush, clean the grates thoroughly.
  • Remove and empty the ash container. Clean it before or after each time you use it.
  • Remove the drip tray and dispose of oil as recommended. Again, never discard oil down drains.  
  • After you remove the drip tray, remove the heat deflector tray, as well, so you can clean the fire pot. There is a lot of ash that accumulates here, so use a shop-vac or vacuum cleaner to such out the ash from the interior of your pellet grill.
  • Replace the heat deflector tray, drip tray, and grill grates.
  • Using soap and water on a damp cloth, clean the outside of your grill. Remember not to use too much water, as not to ruin the electric parts of your smoker.
  • Remove your chimney cap and clean it with a damp cloth.

Keeping Your Grill Working at Peak Performance

By keeping your grill clean you can be sure that your grill will be safe to use and runs effectively. A grill should be cleaned frequently, especially if you use it often.

Do you want to learn more about how to clean your grill? Join the conversation to speak with our outdoor living professionals. 


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