Ryan Squyres

Sales Designer
I was working for FEMA in Albany, GA after Hurricane Harvey forced me away from my first pool design job in Houston. Luckily, Sam tracked me down on LinkedIn and decided that I had the potential to be successful at designing outdoor living spaces. I interviewed while I was on Christmas break and decided on the spot that this was the job I had been waiting for my whole life.
I was working for FEMA in Albany, GA after Hurricane Harvey forced me away from my first pool design job in Houston. Luckily, Sam tracked me down on LinkedIn and decided that I had the potential to be successful at designing outdoor living spaces. I interviewed while I was on Christmas break and decided on the spot that this was the job I had been waiting for my whole life.
4.5 years in residential design and sales
Seeing a client enjoy their finished space and getting invited for a drink at the bar we designed for the outdoor kitchen
Married to Lindsay since 2019. Welcomed our first son Ryder in 2021. He was born 2 months early (during 2021 ice storm because he likes cold weather like his dad) and spent his first 56 days in NICU but he’s quickly caught up and now is toddling all over our house and keeping us on our toes. Our dogs, Max and Millie, are on permanent baby sitter duty and they earn their keep trying to help us control our little toddling tornado
College Football
UtSA Roadrunners
Cooking meat with fire…..and sometimes golf
I once cooked a grilled cheese sandwich that united feuding families after 10 years of not speaking. Long story short: never underestimate the power of melted cheese, ever! Ask me about the details……
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