New Pool Construction: What to Ask Your Houston Pool Builder

Once you have an idea of what kind of pool you want, it’s time to look for a pool building company to make your dream a reality. But don’t just hire the first company that shows up on Google. As the future owner of a swimming pool, you owe it to yourself to know exactly what you’re getting into.

Make an informed decision about your swimming pool construction project. Here’s a few good questions to ask your pool builder before work starts. Share on X

Swimming Pool Questions and Answers

Remember that the pool builder is working for you, and the final swimming pool will be a part of your home for the foreseeable future. Don’t be afraid to ask questions until you’re fully satisfied. Here are a few important questions to start with:

  1. Can they accommodate all your requests?
  2. Do they have a good reputation and good reviews?
  3. What plumbing, electrical, etc. needs will the finished pool have?
  4. What will the complete project cost?
  5. What warranties or insurance are available?
  6. What building materials will be used?
  7. What maintenance will the completed pool require?

1) Can They Accommodate All Your Requests?

You probably have an idea of the shape, size, custom features, etc. you want for your swimming pool. See how much your pool builder can create for you. Be prepared for the unexpected when it comes to new pool construction. You may have to scale your project down slightly if your original ideas are too expensive or complex, but don’t give up on your dream pool. Keep looking until you find a pool builder that can make your dream come true.

2) Do They Have a Good Reputation and Good Reviews?

Customer testimonials, while not necessarily a dealbreaker, can give you an idea of a pool builder’s community standing. Do they do quality work and offer good customer service? How often do their pools need repairs done? Ask around and look online to see what kind of company you’re hiring.

3) What Plumbing, Electrical, Etc. Needs Will the Finished Pool Have?

This partially depends on how many custom features you want to be included in or near your swimming pool. Make sure you know what kind of mechanics will be in the finished product. This will give you an idea of how frequently maintenance will be required and how much repairs can potentially cost you.

4) What Will the Complete Project Cost?

Don’t let yourself be surprised by the price. Before you sign the contract, make sure you know down to the penny how much your swimming pool project will cost. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often people rush into a project without considering the total cost. Make sure you know how much you’ll be spending.

Pro Tip: Don’t default to the pool builder with the lowest price. You may be getting a good deal on paper, but the lower cost may indicate the builder will cut corners elsewhere and leave you with a defective pool.

5) What Warranties or Insurance Are Available?

Whether due to damage or wear and tear from age, your swimming pool will need repairs from time to time. A reputable pool builder will offer insurance and limited repairs for your pool, though exact services will vary. Ask about future repairs and how much you can expect to pay for them.

6) What Building Materials Will Be Used?

The more durable the building materials in your pool, the fewer repairs it will need and the longer it will last. Ask for details on construction materials and additional costs for upgrading to more durable ones if necessary.

7) What Maintenance Will the Completed Pool Require?

Finally, make sure you know how to care for your pool when it’s finished. Will you have to regularly call in professional help for maintenance, or will the biggest chore be pulling bugs and loose leaves out of the water with a net? See how much time and money will go into keeping the pool functioning.

Creating Your Dream Pool for Houston Summers

Your swimming pool will add value to your home and provide hours of entertainment for years to come. You deserve the best. Before any construction begins, make sure to get swimming pool questions and answers from your pool builder.

Want to learn more about designing your dream pool? Join the conversation to speak with our professional pool designers!

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