- Meat church Holy cow and meat church holy gospel
- Big green egg xl
- Big green egg wood chips hickory
- Big green egg conveggtor
- Yeti roadie cooler
- Remove from package
- Pat dry. Do not remove membrane.
- Apply binder – we use a soppin sauce, mustard, or duck fat
- Season liberally with Meat Church Holy Cow and Holy Gospel
- Big Green Egg set up for indirect with the convEGGtor installed, temp at 250 degrees.
- Add wood chips or chunks – recommend oak or hickory
- Smoke the ribs about 3-4 hours, spritzing with apple cider vinegar 1 time per hour until ribs are at 165 internally
- Prepare 2 layers of pink unwaxed butcher paper and spritz the paper
- Wrap ribs tight and place bag on egg
- Continue cooking at 250 until the ribs are probe tender. Typically at 195-203
- Pull from egg and rest in cooler for at least 1 hour
- Slice and enjoy