•  Evo Affinity Classic 30g, Duck fat, Meat Church Holy Cow, Hardcore Carnivore Black , Hardcore Carnivore Amplify, Snake River Farms American Wagyu ribeyes


  • 1-2 Snake River Farms American Wagyu ribeyes
  • Hardcore Carnivore Black rub
  • Hardcore Carnivore amplify rub
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Sliced Onion/Pepper mix
  • Meat Church Holy Cow
  • Sweet Hawaiian Sandwich rolls
  • Milk
  • Shredded Parmesan Cheese
  • Shredded mozzarella Cheese
  • Butter
  • Flour
  • Duckfat spray


  • Slice the ribeyes – hint (throw them in the freezer for about an hour before you start)
  • Spray the meat with duckfat
  • Season with hardcore carnivore amplify and hardcore carnivore black, top with Worcestershire sauce
  • Spray the onion and bell peppers with duck fat & season with meat church holy cow
  • Preheat evo griddle to medium heat or 350 degrees
  • Spray griddle with duckfat and put the meat and vegetables on to cook
  • Add sauce pan to griddle with 2 tablespoons of butter
  • Once the butter is melted, add 2 tablespoons of flour and mix well
  • Then add 3 cups of milk, 1 cup mozzarella, and 1 cup of parmesan, stir and let all melt, simmer down to thicker consistency
  • Once the meat is done and vegetables are soft, toast the rolls on the griddle
  • Top the toasted rolls with meat, vegetables, and cheese sauce.
  • Enjoy!