• 1 package bacon
  • 1 package breakfast sausage
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1 cup shredded cheese
  • ½ white onion chopped
  • ½ green bell pepper chopped


  • Big green egg XL
  • Conveggtor basket
  • 1 piece conveggtor
  • Fogo premium lump charcoal
  • Meat church gospel
  • Big green egg cherry smoking chips


  • Load the egg with Fogo premium lump charcoal
  • Light with the electro-torch fire starter
  • Pre-heat egg to 275-300 degrees
  • Slice the onion and bell pepper, spray with duck fat in cast iron skillet
  • Layout 6 slices of bacon and weave in the other 6 slices
  • Flatten roll of sausage on top of bacon weave and season with Meat Church Gospel rub
  • Saute the vegetables until soft
  • Scramble 5 eggs and pour them in with the vegetables until the eggs firm up
  • Spread the egg mix evely on top of the sausage, then top with the cheese
  • Carefully roll the bacon weave up tightly to form a meat burrito, then tuck the ends of the bacon into the side to secure all contents
  • Season the outside with Meat Church Gospel rub
  • Dump some Big Green Egg cherry smoking chips on the fire and place the conveggtor in with the legs up and grate on top for indirect cooking
  • Put the fatty on the grate and smoke about an hour and a half (bacon should be cooked and internal temp should be approx. 160 degrees)