•  Big Green egg xl, conveggtor, meat church holy cow, fogo super premium, hot line pepper evil ooze


  • Season the picanha with Meat Church Holy Cow
  • Load the big green egg with Fogo super premium and set up with the conveggtor installed for indirect cooking
  • Preheat the egg to 250 degrees
  • Place the picanha directly on the grate and smoke to an internal temp of 115 degrees, then pull and rest the picanha with a soppin sauce
  • Pull the conveggtor out, remove the top damper completely, and open the bottom damper completely to increase temperature over 500 degrees (always be sure to “burp” your egg at temperatures over 450)
  • Once the egg is over 500, place the picanha back on the egg for 90 seconds per side to get a good sear
  • Pull and let the picanha rest for 5-10 minutes then slice across the grain
  • Place on tortilla, toop with mexican crema, cilantro, and hot line pepper products evil ooze.